Friday, 22 February 2019

How To Look Chic In The Rain

Just when you thought you couldn't get animal print into any other item of clothing...Topshop released the leopard print rain mac of dreams. Admittedly, I did describe this as a giant condom (I have such a way with words) when I originally tried it on, it's something to do with the rubber-esque feel..., however, paired with a chic black turtle neck and some biker boots, and I was in love.

Rain Mac - Jeans - Boots - Bag 

The rain mac, or anything PVC for that matter, is going to hit a lot of trend boxes for AW19, so get on this early guys. Despite the material, it's actually really flattering. It's belt synches you in at the waist, but equally looks very 'Parisian chic' when left to hang at the back. It's a fab piece to throw on over the most basic of outfits, and it will immediately elevate your look to fashion queen status (and who doesn't want that!?). I finished the look with my new personalised bag from Azurina, which if you haven't already, you need to check out!


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