Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Logo Look Two

I still feel so funny posing in the middle of empty streets! Does anyone else find it majorly embarrassing!? I'm no model, so having the confidence to do this is really difficult for me. I hope I'm not the only one! I think I look so moody and unfriendly, which is the opposite of my actual personality, but I'm really trying to focus on the clothes and I think if I was smiling or being silly, it would distract people...I may try a few smiely poses next time and see how it goes down :)

Monochrome overload in this look, but it just seemed right! I found the t-shirt one night whilst browsing on Amazon. I love the sense of fun, plus I'm probably never going to be able to afford an actual Chanel top, so may as well go for it with this one, especially as it was under £10! 

T-Shirt: Amazon // Jeans: Primark (DIY knee holes) // Bag: Topshop // Shoes: New Look // Sunglasses: Primark



  1. I randomly found your blog and I must say I love your style!! The purse is super cute! Good luck to you!

    Kylie xx

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, and especially for commenting! I really do appreciate it. Off to look at your blog now :) x


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