For me, summer isn't always the best time for fashion. I feel the natural urge to lose a few pounds, I expect my skin to be flawless for all the skin baring new season pieces and I want picture perfect feet for all of the seasonal shoes! Well, let's face it - I'm always going to be pale, I will always (as Ross from Friends would say) "bruise like a peach" and pizza will always be more important than abs. However, after my recent trip to Margaret Dabb's new salon in Aldery Edge, I may just about have the foot thing sorted!

I was invited down to have my very first 'medical pedicure', which to be honest, I had to do a bit of research into as I had no idea what this entailed. Turns out, it's the ingenious and exclusive treatment developed by Margaret Dabbs herself, who I was lucky enough to meet and interview. Margaret who is a trained Podiatrist, first developed the medical pedicure when she was treating both men and women, who had problem feet. Her clients wanted their feet to not only look and feel healthy but also have the polished and groomed feeling like experienced through the 'normal' pedicure. Margaret explained that although it sounded so simple; no one had thought to put the both together. The treatment proved so popular that it led her to open her own foot clinics and from there she began to explore developing her very own foot products.

The Margaret Dabbs brand has gone from strength to strength, and it was incredibly interesting talking to such a passionate and inspirational business women. She now has a range of clinics all over the world, including Dubai, London and her new venture up here in the North! Her range of products has also grown, with a full top to toe body care available, including her own nail polish, all of which she has had first hand in designing and developing. Having come from the Podiatrist's background, Margaret had a wide knowledge of the natural oils and ingredients which would benefit not only feet, but the hands and body. I had the chance to experience the incredible medical pedicure, which I can assure you, is life changing!
Being pale, I show every mark, scrape, blister and bruise. I get incredibly dry feet, which for a 27 year old who is into fashion and keeping myself groomed, is pretty awful. I have tried everything under the sun. The PedEgg, pumice, moisturising socks and about 12 different foot files. Nothing has worked. I resented paying for pedicures, as although me nails always looked great, my skin was dry and I could have done a better job myself. I was told I would be impressed with the medical pedicure, but I couldn't have predicted just how much of a difference having a professional Podiatrist treating my feet would have. The lovely Maria
made my feet glow - literally. The dead skin was gone, I had soft pink feet. They felt 'light' and fresh. Very strange thing to describe I know - buy seriously guys, this is the best foot treatment I have ever had. The key word is 'treatment'. It wasn't just a pedicure; it was a treatment which has made a massive difference, and made me feel a lot more confident about my feet.
A picture of my feet is the proof of the pudding. You will have never seen a picture of my feet, especially not in shoes! However after the medical pedicure I could not wait to get them out. I was also treated to a manicure and my toes were finished off with an exclusive Margaret Dabbs nail polish in a beautiful coral shade by the lovely Leah. I was in the stunning new Alderly Edge salon for a few hours, and I left feeling like a new woman. Relaxed isn't the word - I felt amazing, completely at ease and pampered.
A week on and my feet are still soft, which is something I didn't expect. I was very lucky enough to be given a goody bag with everything I could ever need for my hands and feet. I have a super strength file which I haven't even needed to use yet, but it was used in the medical pedicure, and it was AMAZING. All of the products (a lot of them, award winning!) are available to buy here.
A massive thank you Margaret and to all the staff at the wonderful new salon. I was made to feel so welcome and the podiatrists and beauty therapists were incredible. I can't recommend the salon enough. If you fancy a visit a yourself, you can check out all the salons here.
Time to get your feet out girls!